Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion

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We are everywhere. We are in churches. We are in shopping centers. We are in grocery stores. We are in daycare centers. We are high school dropouts. We are high school graduates. We have bachelor degrees, masters and Ph.D. degrees. We work well below our level of capability. We work at the top level of corporations and government. We are women who have experienced abortion. We have a secret we cannot share. If people knew the truth about us they would not like us, love us, or associate with us. We have committed a sin so horrendous we believe it is unforgivable. The unforgivable sin. The sin we carry inside our hearts. The sin we believe stamps a scarlet letter A on our forehead and soul. . . . Society is not going to punish us. We punish ourselves with self-destructive habits: drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, sexual dysfunctions, suicide attempts or completions, abusive relationships. Years later something snaps and we can no longer bear the burden of our sin. We confess. Perhaps tentatively, carefully, cautiously, discreetly, prudently to a friend, a loved one, a boyfriend or a husband. The pain, the pain . . . In Her Choice to Heal, you will find women who have lived with that pain and found help, healing, and hope. They have learned they can recover from their abortions and even find peace. Perhaps you have experienced abortion, perhaps you want to help a friend or loved one heal from the pain of abortion, or perhaps you want to better understand this issue. I encourage you to read Her Choice to Heal and recognize there is hope in the recovery process when we understand and recognize the loss of our child, perhaps name that child and mourn, grieve that loss, and accept God’s forgiveness. Then we are free to forgive ourselves and go on to the hope Christ offered on the cross and still offers today. My friends, we have all been touched by abortion in some way. As you read, ask the Lord how He wants to use this book in your life. Carol Everett President Life Network - from Amzon 
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